SDSS images of selected RC3 galaxies

These are SDSS gri mosaics of galaxies with RC3-tabulated 303

The mosaics are custom-built out of raw SDSS data at NYU and Princeton. They are all north-up. Send questions or comments to David W. Hogg.

Warning: Some images contain significant data artifacts. For example, we have not restricted the sample to those overlapping survey quality SDSS data. Use at your own risk.

Attribution for these images ought to be, at least, David W. Hogg, Michael R. Blanton, and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Collaboration.

All images are © 2006 Michael Blanton & David W. Hogg.

NGC 3031
UGC 5318
IRAS 09514+6918
full size - half size - no labels - hard stretch
NGC 4321
UGC 7450
VCC 596
full size - half size - no labels - hard stretch
NGC 4826
UGC 8062
IRAS 12542+2157
full size - half size - no labels - hard stretch
NGC 5194
UGC 8493
VV 403
full size - half size - no labels - hard stretch
NGC 5457
UGC 8981
VV 456
full size - half size - no labels - hard stretch