- Observational astrophysics
- Michael Blanton
- David W. Hogg
- 3 postdocs, 4 grad students
- partnership with Sam Roweis (Toronto CS and Google)
- We use
lots of data.
- We serve
lots of data.
- flat files
- SQL web stuff is coming
- absolutely public data
- We are now
aggregating data.
- non-text queries
- demo image
- web form
- wide-field example
- We can also solve images that are less than
10-6 of the sky.
- automatic generation of meta-data
- interoperability of data
- bringing amateur data out of the dark
- We are a
software shop.
- open source
- many contributors around the world
- Web 2.0 stuff
- Partnership with Google
- code.google.com
- palimpsest