Realistic Heterotic Vacua, Inflation and FIMP Dark Matter |
Burt Ovrut, University of Pennsylvania |
Event Type: Informal HEP Talk |
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM |
Location: 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar |
Abstract: The talk begins with a brief review of the B-L MSSM vacuum of heterotic M-theory. This theory satisfies all theoretical and phenomenological constraints required by a realistic theory of particle physics. Within this context, it is shown that an inflaton composed of a Higgs field and a sneutrino produces a successful inflationary theory in the observable sector. Aspects of this theory, including reheating are discussed. The hidden sector is then introduced, consisting of an "anomalous" U(1) line bundle with a computable number of low energy chiral matter superfields. After supersymmetry breaking, a linear combination of the dilaton and Kahler modulus remains relatively light and acts as a "moduli portal" between the observable and hidden sector. The explicit moduli interactions with both sectors are presented and shown to produce a dark matter production mechanism to the scalar fields of the hidden sector chiral matter. Within the context of this B-L MSSM theory, the dark matter "relic density" is computed and shown to be consistent with present cosmological data. |