Events Daily

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Binary Black Hole Accretion
Christopher Tiede, Niels Bohr Institute
Event Type: Informal Astro Talk
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: 726 Broadway, 902, Lg Conf
Abstract: The presence of gas around compact massive black hole binaries can have a meaningful impact on the binaries’ orbital evolution, merger timescales, and GW signatures. Recent works have demonstrated the sensitivity of binary evolution and accretion dynamics to numerous parameters like the binaries' intrinsic orbital elements as well as the thermodynamic and geometric assumptions about the surrounding disk. I will discuss recent hydrodynamics simulation work exploring the evolution of accreting eccentric binaries with an eye towards implications for EM and GW observations of coalescing massive binaries.

Quantum Computing on Classical Machines with Tensor Networks
Miles Stoudenmire, Flatiron Institute
Event Type: Physics Dept Colloquium
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Location: 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar
Abstract: Quantum algorithms are sought after for their potential to outpace classical computing, but since the development of the first quantum algorithms almost 25 years ago, a new breed of classical algorithms has appeared that closely mimics quantum computers. These algorithms, based on tensor networks, provide scaling and capabilities similar to real quantum computers. Originally conceived for simulating small quantum systems or shallow circuits, in tensor networks can sometimes perform so well that they can even allow us to bring certain quantum algorithms back to the classical world, outperforming previously known classical algorithms on today's computers. After introducing tensor networks from a quantum computing perspective, I will discuss some recent efforts to simulate various quantum algorithms, ranging from random circuits to quantum simulations, and reflect on the what the results tell us about the boundary between classical and quantum computing.