Events List

DateEvent TypeSpeaker
02/03/2025CCPP Brown BagJeremy Tinker [ + ]
02/04/2025Astro SeminarLizhong Zhang [ + ]
02/04/2025Cosmic Happy HourZubair Bhatti [ + ]
02/05/2025HEP SeminarYuri Gershtein [ + ]
02/06/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAlberto Nicolis [ + ]
02/07/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
02/10/2025CCPP Brown BagEmily Davis + Ken Van Tilburg [ + ]
02/11/2025Astro SeminarKatie Breivik [ + ]
02/11/2025GR Office HoursMathew Calkins [ + ]
02/12/2025HEP SeminarRichard Nally [ + ]
02/12/2025GR Office HoursMathew Calkins [ + ]
02/13/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAndrew Mills [ + ]
02/14/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
02/17/2025Holiday [ + ]
02/18/2025Astro SeminarRuby Byrne [ + ]
02/19/2025HEP SeminarNetta Engelhardt [ + ]
02/20/2025Astro SeminarDrummond Fielding [ + ]
02/20/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/20/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumMichael Shelley [ + ]
02/21/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
02/25/2025Astro SeminarAlexandru Lupsasca [ -- ]

Title: Black Hole Science Opportunities With Radio Interferometry
Abstract: The first Event Horizon Telescope images of the supermassive black hole M87* display a bright ring encircling the event horizon, which appears as a dark patch in its surrounding emission. But Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that within these images there also lies a thin “photon ring” of light that orbited the black hole before escaping its gravity, carrying information about its spacetime properties and, in particular, its spin. I will describe a NASA Small Explorers Mission being proposed this year: the Black Hole Explorer. BHEX will use space-ground interferometry to create a telescope larger than the Earth and produce the sharpest images in the history of astronomy. By resolving the photon ring, these images will address fundamental questions in black hole physics, including what a black hole looks like, and how fast the black hole Sgr A* at the center of our own galaxy is spinning. BHEX will also target dozens of additional supermassive black holes and measure the magnetic fields suspected to generate their relativistic jets, shedding new light on the mechanism that powers the brightest and most efficient engines in the universe. (2:00 PM - 3:15 PM, 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar)
02/26/2025HEP SeminarSanjay Reddy [ + ]
02/27/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/27/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumKarri Dipetrillo [ + ]
02/28/2025Informal HEP TalkJordan Cotler [ + ]
02/28/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
03/04/2025Astro SeminarJJ Zanazzi [ + ]
03/05/2025HEP SeminarGiorgio Gratta [ + ]
03/06/2025Astro SeminarJanosz Dewberry [ + ]
03/06/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
03/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumGiorgi Gratta [ + ]
03/07/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
03/12/2025HEP SeminarJunwu Huang [ + ]
03/13/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
03/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumCora Dvorkin [ + ]
03/14/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
03/19/2025HEP SeminarDaniel Harlow [ + ]
03/20/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
03/21/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
03/24/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/25/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/26/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/27/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/27/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
03/28/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/28/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
04/02/2025HEP SeminarCsaba Csaki [ + ]
04/03/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
04/04/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
04/09/2025HEP SeminarLorenzo Ricci [ + ]
04/10/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
04/10/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumJesse Thaler [ + ]
04/11/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
04/16/2025HEP SeminarMichael Baker [ + ]
04/17/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
04/18/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
04/23/2025HEP SeminarGiovanni Villadoro [ + ]
04/24/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
04/25/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
04/30/2025HEP SeminarDan Green [ + ]
05/01/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
05/02/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
05/09/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]