Events List

DateEvent TypeSpeaker
02/03/2025CCPP Brown BagJeremy Tinker [ + ]
02/04/2025Astro SeminarLizhong Zhang [ + ]
02/04/2025Cosmic Happy HourZubair Bhatti [ + ]
02/05/2025HEP SeminarYuri Gershtein [ + ]
02/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAlberto Nicolis [ + ]
02/07/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
02/10/2025CCPP Brown BagEmily Davis + Ken Van Tilburg [ + ]
02/11/2025Astro SeminarKatie Breivik [ + ]
02/12/2025HEP SeminarRichard Nally [ + ]
02/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAndrew Mills [ + ]
02/14/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
02/17/2025Holiday [ + ]
02/18/2025Astro SeminarRuby Byrne [ + ]
02/19/2025HEP SeminarNetta Engelhardt [ + ]
02/20/2025Astro SeminarDrummond Fielding [ + ]
02/21/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
02/24/2025CCPP Brown BagCara Giovanetti [ + ]
02/25/2025Astro SeminarAlexandru Lupsasca [ + ]
02/26/2025HEP SeminarSanjay Reddy [ + ]
02/28/2025Informal HEP TalkJordan Cotler [ + ]
02/28/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/03/2025CCPP Brown BagRoman Scoccimarro [ + ]
03/04/2025Astro SeminarJJ Zanazzi [ + ]
03/05/2025HEP SeminarGiorgio Gratta [ + ]
03/06/2025Astro SeminarJanosz Dewberry [ + ]
03/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumGiorgi Gratta [ -- ]

Title: Testing Gravity at Ever Shorter Scale: A Trip into Exotic Experimental Physics
Abstract: Since the times of Henry Cavendish and John Mitchell, the strength of gravity has been measured by comparing it to the reaction of a calibrated mechanical spring. While in the last 60 years planetary measurements (with natural and artificial bodies) have provided remarkable accuracy at large distance, measurements in the lab have continued to rely various incarnations of the good old mechanical springs, in many cases resulting in superb experiments and results. In this talk, I will explore a number of drastically different techniques recently developed specifically to tackle the short distance regime, where many theories suggest something exotic may be happening. This will be a trip into AMO and high resolution nuclear spectroscopy. While science results are gradually appearing, I hope to convince the audience that, as is often the case with new techniques, a new and exciting array of questions and applications are also emerging! (4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar)
03/07/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/10/2025CCPP Brown BagJesse Liu [ + ]
03/12/2025HEP SeminarJunwu Huang [ + ]
03/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumCora Dvorkin [ + ]
03/14/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/17/2025CCPP Brown BagAnthony Pullen [ + ]
03/19/2025HEP SeminarDaniel Harlow [ + ]
03/21/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/24/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/25/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/26/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/27/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/28/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/28/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/02/2025HEP SeminarCsaba Csaki [ + ]
04/04/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/09/2025HEP SeminarLorenzo Ricci [ + ]
04/10/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumJesse Thaler [ + ]
04/11/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/16/2025HEP SeminarMichael Baker [ + ]
04/18/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/21/2025CCPP Brown BagMarius Kongsore [ + ]
04/23/2025HEP SeminarGiovanni Villadoro [ + ]
04/25/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/28/2025CCPP Brown BagMarcus DuPont [ + ]
04/30/2025HEP SeminarDan Green [ + ]
05/02/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
05/09/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]