Events List

DateEvent TypeSpeaker
02/03/2025CCPP Brown BagJeremy Tinker [ + ]
02/04/2025Astro SeminarLizhong Zhang [ + ]
02/04/2025Cosmic Happy HourZubair Bhatti [ + ]
02/05/2025HEP SeminarYuri Gershtein [ + ]
02/06/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAlberto Nicolis [ -- ]

Title: A generalized Archimedean principle and the mass of sound
Abstract: I will describe how one can generalize the Archimedean principle to general "objects" immersed in fluids, including for example quantum particles or localized perturbations of the fluids themselves. As an application, I will present a general formula for the mass transported by a sound wave and discuss the peculiar effects its generalization implies for more exotic excitations such as rotons in superfluid liquid helium. (4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar)
02/07/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
02/10/2025CCPP Brown BagEmily Davis + Ken Van Tilburg [ + ]
02/11/2025Astro SeminarKatie Breivik [ + ]
02/11/2025GR Office HoursMathew Calkins [ + ]
02/12/2025HEP SeminarRichard Nally [ + ]
02/12/2025GR Office HoursMathew Calkins [ + ]
02/13/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAndrew Mills [ + ]
02/14/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
02/17/2025Holiday [ + ]
02/18/2025Astro SeminarRuby Byrne [ + ]
02/19/2025HEP SeminarNetta Engelhardt [ + ]
02/20/2025Astro SeminarDrummond Fielding [ + ]
02/20/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/20/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumMichael Shelley [ + ]
02/21/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]
02/25/2025Astro SeminarAlexandru Lupsasca [ + ]
02/26/2025HEP SeminarSanjay Reddy [ + ]
02/27/2025Pullen Group MeetingPullen [ + ]
02/27/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumKarri Dipetrillo [ + ]
02/28/2025Informal HEP TalkJordan Cotler [ + ]
02/28/2025Hep-Th Discussions SessioCalkins [ + ]