Personal Information

Jeremy Tinker
Associate Professor of Physics
Ph. D. 2005, Ohio State University
B.S. University of Kansas
Contact Information
Phone:(212) 998-7715
Email:jlt12 AT
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My research focuses on the relationship between galaxies and dark matter. Galaxies are a biased tracer of the matter distribution, thus efforts to use the observed clustering of galaxies to infer cosmological information require a model for the galaxy-dark matter connection. At the same time, dark matter heavily influences the formation and evolution of the galaxies themselves. Galaxy clustering therefore provides important clues for unlocking the mystery of galaxy formation and the evolution of star formation, as well as probing the underlying cosmological model within which structures form.

I am a member of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey BOSS and its successor eBOSS, part of the SDSS-III and SDSS-IV collaborations, respectively. In eBOSS, I serve as the Targeting Coordinator. I am also a participant in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument DESI survey, serving as the co-chair of the Survey Design working group. In DESI, I focus on developing the survey strategy for the Bright Galaxy Survey, a bright-time program within DESI that is similar to the SDSS main galaxy sample, but increasing the volume by over a factor of 10.

My long term goals in these surveys is to develop a framework to analyze clustering at non-linear scales. Although non-linear clustering is more complicated to model, the data are more precisely measured. This framework is built around the halo occupation distribution HOD, implemented in a suite of high-resolution N-body simulations that smartly fill the relevant cosmological parameter space. Non-linear clustering is a probe of the growth of structure, making is complementary to the geometric probes provided in spectroscopic surveys, such as baryon acoustic oscillations.

Selected Publications:

What Does Clustering Tell us About the Buildup of the Red Sequence? Jeremy L Tinker and Andrew R Wetzel, 2010, ApJ, 719 88

The Void Phenomenon Explained Jeremy L Tinker and Charlie Conroy, 2009, ApJ, 691, 633

Toward a Halo Mass Function for Precision Cosmology: The Limits of Universality Jeremy L Tinker, Kravtsov, Andrey V.; Klypin, Anatoly; Abazajian, Kevork; Warren, Michael; Yepes, Gustavo; Gottl�ber, Stefan; Holz, Daniel E. 2008, ApJ, 688, 709

On the Halo Occupation of Dark Baryons Jeremy L Tinker and Hsiao-Wen Chen, 2008, 679, 1218

On the Mass-to-Light Ratio of Large-Scale Structure Tinker, Jeremy L.; Weinberg, David H.; Zheng, Zheng; Zehavi, Idit, ApJ, 2005, 631, 41