Typos in Physics Report PT Review
- The divergence of the stress tensor in Eq.(17) should have no multiplication by density inside the parenthesis.
- In Eq.(24), A(x) should be multiplied by D+, B(x) by D-.
- In Eq.(29), H should be raised to the third power.
- In Eq.(52), mu_2 should be +26/21.
- After Eq.(66), the expression given for the ratio D2/D1^2 is incorrect, see Eq.(96) for the correct expression.
- In Eq.(71) for the F2 kernel, 2/7 should be replaced by 1/2.
- In Eq.(72) for the G2 kernel, eps should be replaced by (1+1/2 d/dlnD1)eps.
- RHS of Eq.(168) should be [Gamma((n+3)/2) /2]^(1/(n+3))
- After Eq.(225), the N(n) and D(n) functions should read:
N = 1536 - 1152 x 2^n + 128 x 3^n + 66 x 4^n + 64 x 6^n - 9 x 8^n - 2 x 12^n - 24^n
D = 1 + 12 x 2^n + 12 x 3^n + 16 x 4^n + 24 x 6^n + 24 x 8^n + 12 x 12^n + 24 x 24^n
- In Eq.(402) there is a 1/(k [r_a r_b]^1/2 ) factor missing.